The Jimbo Podcast


Jim Kovacik Season 2 Episode 90

On this special extra episode, taped on October 5, 2023, Psychic Marva tells Jimbo about some exciting new things coming to the upcoming psychic fair in Houston.  And,  she gives her predictions for the fall and beyond - including if Trump will win back the presidency, will the Cowboys win the Super Bowl, will the economy get better and more!  She also has some very interesting thoughts about Christmas time!


MARVA'S next PSYCHIC  FAIR will be held on
Saturday, October 7, 2023 at the La Quinta Hotel-Galleria

1625 W Loop 610 South, Houston TX 77027on the West Loop 610 between San Felipe and Post Oak
10am – 5pm  713-444-3581
Fairs are regularly held on first Saturday of every month.
Voted “Best Psychic Fair in Houston” by the Houston Press Best Of Awards

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Jimbo Podcast, where you can find all your favorite Jimbo show content in one place, interviews, prank, calls, bits, and a whole lot more. And now here's your host, Jimbo. Hey, it's

Speaker 2:

Jimbo. And this is our regular talk with Psychic Marva. Now, psychic Marva, before we get into it, tell 'em about your psychic fair that happens in Houston every beginning of the month. I know it was kind of a weird start to this month because there was a , a Sunday start, but , uh, this, this Saturday you have your fair. Yeah,

Speaker 3:

It's always on the first Saturday of every month. And we are always at the LaQuinta Hotel on the West Loop , uh, 1625 West Loop South. And , uh, it's, anyways at the Lata and from 10 o'clock until seven or until 5:00 PM there's no entrance. Uh , you know, just come on in, you , uh, find a reader. And , uh, but we're also starting now to get a lot of new vendors that have a assortment of , uh, crystals and jewelry and , uh, lotions and potions, artistic portraits and

Speaker 2:

Well, so, so mad no matter where you are in the state of Texas, and you know that the first of Saturday , uh, the first Saturday of the month is coming up, you can always visit Houston and you will always be there. There's, there's no first Saturday that you're not there.

Speaker 3:

That's correct. <laugh>.

Speaker 2:

Well, great. And then you , you've been doing it for how many years?

Speaker 3:

Oh , almost 30 <laugh>.

Speaker 2:

Wow. Alright . Psychic Marvel . Let's get to the meat of what everybody wants to know. Of course. Uh, predictions for fall. I know we have a , we have a , uh, election coming up and you predicted on this show, on this podcast , uh, last time that Biden would win over Trump and you were correct, you did say it would take a little bit of figuring out. So , um, what are you thinking now regarding political and Donald Trump's all his legal trouble? Is he gonna overcome that and possibly be the next president again,

Speaker 3:

I don't feel like he will be the next president. I feel like there is a lot more legal battles that are coming up for him that can , uh, pretty much jeopardize or expose. I , I feel like there's gonna be too much water under the bridge, but I do feel like that there is still , uh, you know, momentum in his party and about him, that whoever is kind of similar to him. But I feel like that there's a lot of , um, just impetus about Biden to where I feel like right now it's , it's a 50 50 draw as to who, if it's gonna go to the Republicans or the Democrats ,

Speaker 2:

Democrat . Okay . So

Speaker 3:

You're saying , uh, Marvin ,

Speaker 2:

You're saying right now in this point of time that possibly, you know, Trump won't be the nominee, but the Republicans have a great shot, whoever they put up against Biden,

Speaker 3:

Right? Ex Exactly , exactly.

Speaker 2:

Okay. What about any , so

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Any kind of like , uh, uh, national news that you see on the forefront happening for this fall and in 24?

Speaker 3:

Well, Jim , but one of the things that I think we all have to really keep in mind, and I know I've talked about this for a couple of years on the show, is that what the ener , the planetary energy we are going through at the moment and have been for the last, say four or five years is very similar to the Boston Tea Party.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And we have to keep that in mind because it makes our whole political scene , national scene extremely volatile and things are just constantly cropping up. And I feel like that's going to have a big impact on the , uh, political situation. Our government , uh, you know, but also something else that is happening is that Pluto is in its very last stages here of Capricorn. Okay . And so what it's doing is it's totally transforming government , uh, our money , uh, finances, how businesses are structured, but it's also getting into like insurance or the laws regarding like, you know, insurance and regulations. So I feel like there are so many of those regulatory industries that are gonna be really affected and changing, say over the next couple of years.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So, so

Speaker 3:

It'll be just , you

Speaker 2:

Mentioned money though, Marva, so, so I gotta , I gotta stop you there and say, well , well what about the economy? A lot of people are having a rough time out there. Yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

It gonna get better?

Speaker 3:

And I feel like, I feel like the economy is not necessarily going to get better. I feel like it's gonna be kind of status quo. We may have a few wins and a few losses, but , uh, but I feel like that , uh, you know, we may be looking at a different , uh, like how our currency is being evaluated and I feel like that that right there is part of that , uh, you know, increase in how every everything right now costs more than it ever than it ever has.

Speaker 2:

Okay. And so

Speaker 3:

I don't think that that's gonna change .

Speaker 2:

Alright . Well what about some world events? That stuff going on right now , uh oh , Ukraine and all that stuff. Is that all gonna be worked out?

Speaker 3:

Well? I feel like again, too, we are looking at, you know, while I'm saying the Boston Tea Party is very indicative of the planetary shifts that we are going through, but it's like just transfer that same idea worldwide because I feel like that there are a lot of powers that are at stake, you know, between like China, Russia, Korea, you know, the us uh , you know, the Middle East. So I feel like it is like everything you hear is being spurred into, or the fire has been lit .

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And , uh, I don't feel like the US is going to go into war, but I feel like we will support, you know, other countries that are gonna be more , more vulnerable. Okay.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So, so I don't feel like any of that's going away either.

Speaker 2:

Alright . So, I know you're not a big sports fan and you don't know much about sports, but there are so many <laugh> , but you do, you do live in Texas and I know, you know, know there's so many Dallas Cowboy fans that have been waiting for a Super Bowl for a long time. Uh, you know, is, is this the year the Dallas Cowboys go to the Super Bowl and win it?

Speaker 3:

You know, I feel that , uh, I feel like Texas leagues of all sorts of sports are going to excel this year or this year and going into next. And I feel that they are , uh, they're being excited, they are being , so I feel like they have a really good shot at it because I feel like the momentum has been stirred more internally again, too. It's kind like the fire has been lit.

Speaker 2:

Okay. But ,

Speaker 3:

So I do feel like that they will have a good shot.

Speaker 2:

They will have a good shot. Well, but uh , as far as definitive them winning the Super Bowl or going to the Super Bowl , there's, it's still kind of cloudy.

Speaker 3:

I feel like It could , it can be, I think it can be very touchy at the very end as far as, you know, it could be like winning like by one point, you know, or just like a really minimal margin to where, where that could get . But I feel like that they may be able to go, you know , uh, to the finals.

Speaker 2:

Okay. All right . And , uh, I'm not even gonna ask about the Houston Texans, even though there are , they're up and coming and look good. I'll just, we'll just concentrate on the Cowboys, the sing . But you said, well, I

Speaker 3:

Like , and what I was saying too is like, I feel like all types of Texas courts have upped the ante, you know, and I feel like they are fired to , uh, to produce more than what they have been.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Oh , so Barbara, well , when people are listening to this, how does your process work? I know some people use like guides or angels or look into Crystal. How do you kind of , like , how do you, when I ask you these questions, what are you seeing ?

Speaker 3:

Oh, well, first of all, I'm keeping astrology in mind because that is the main thing. But I'm also looking at just , uh, intuition.

Speaker 2:

Okay . You

Speaker 3:

Know, and just what, what I feel.

Speaker 2:

Alright . Um, so any other big , uh, things you see happening this fall that that , that I wouldn't ask you about, that you've like , you know , you just got this kind of vision, you're like, this is gonna happen, or watch out for this, or, or good advice for people out there? Well,

Speaker 3:

Right now we are , we have a lot of the outer planets, which are the ones that are most transformative to do the most change , or, you know, to the , for, for good or for, or for positive or negative. They are all kind of retrograde right now, but they're starting to move forward. So right now we're in a holding pattern.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And so when it's retrograde, but as they start to move forward here, and like Pluto is gonna move forward like in another week, so we're gonna start to see a lot more things coming up as far as , uh, maybe aggressive behavior or things coming just kind of , uh, to fruition. And , but as Neptune and , um, and your Uranus will not change until the end of the year or into 2024. And that's where I feel like we're gonna start to see things happening.

Speaker 2:

Okay .

Speaker 3:

And because those are the planets that move things forward.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So finish this, finish this line. Uh , uh, this period in this time is a good time to blank ,

Speaker 3:

Uh , ask , assess where your money is, hold onto what you've got , uh, think twice before you jump.

Speaker 2:

Okay. And , uh, we're gonna go the other way. This is a bad time to blank <laugh>.

Speaker 3:

Uh, it's, it's a bad time to sit and do nothing and , uh, which is kind of contradictory, but , uh, but I feel like right now it's like those plants , those outer plants are just sitting there and they're, they're dwelling. It's almost like that pot is being stirred. And then as they move forward, it's like, okay, they're , we're gonna be dealing with, you know, what is in our control to change and what is not in our control to change.

Speaker 2:

Okay. On social media, I see a lot of signs like, you know, be patient, your time is coming. Right ,

Speaker 3:

Exactly .

Speaker 2:

Uh , and all that kind of stuff like that. Are you a big believer in that? Do you believe there's a certain time for certain people planned out, like in the stars?

Speaker 3:

Oh, absolutely. Because I look at the astrology and I look at a single person's astrology chart because there are certain times where it's like in a , you know, that people are more aptt to change and , uh, that , uh, you know, we're , we're , the astrology is going to determine it's like that time, what makes it a good time to do something, you know, in our personal lives rather than just the, the overall scope of the world.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

'cause the planets are just out there

Speaker 2:

Now. We have a

Speaker 3:

And on a lighter Yeah ,

Speaker 2:

Go ahead . On a

Speaker 3:

Lighter note , I wanted to , uh, whatever your holiday plans are in December, make your plans early and lock 'em down because we are , uh, the , almost the entire month of December will be in a Mercury retrograde where if anything can go wrong, it will.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So you're talking about like weather and communication and all that kind of stuff?

Speaker 3:

Well, exactly, and if you are ordering gifts early, you know, if you are making travel plans, make sure that they are locked down.

Speaker 2:

Okay. You

Speaker 3:

Know, so, so, because anything that you make during the month of December is likely to go wrong.

Speaker 2:

Alright .

Speaker 3:

Lost luggage, you know, <laugh> , all that , uh, the , the reservation is not there. The car is not there.

Speaker 2:

Gotcha. Okay. What last question, and this is, this is , uh, somewhat, somewhat lighthearted and tongue in cheek , but this lottery always keeps on growing up to like a billion dollars. Can you tell, or, or is there a lucky time for certain people to play? I mean , uh, is there, can you, can you see if somebody has the possibility of winning that much money? You

Speaker 3:

Know, the luck , the luckiest , uh, birthday sign for somebody to try to play and actually win is a Leo. So somebody that is born like in , uh, July, July and August, they have a better shot than anybody else.

Speaker 2:

So Why, why is that though ? I'm , I'm Capricorn and I'm offended. <laugh>.

Speaker 3:

Yeah , <laugh>. I know, but, but Leo is ruled by the sun and they just happen to be the luckiest sign of the whole Zodiac. Wow.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Like, you know, they can come down to the wire and then all of a sudden fall out on top of the Golden Star. So , uh, they are the ones who are the most likely to win.

Speaker 2:

So prepare yourself up with a Leo and then, you know, go in to buy tickets and have them buy the tickets and pick the numbers .

Speaker 3:

Yeah. But I think, yeah , <laugh> <laugh> , I mean, they, they just go in and they just have those magic fingers.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I guess so. Um, alright, well Marva, thank you so much. It's been a , uh, enlightening look, it's coming up and , uh, give everybody the information about your psychic fairs every first Saturday of the month.

Speaker 3:

Sure. It's on the first Saturday of every month. We're always at the Kinta Hotel in Houston by the Galleria on the West Loop between San Philippi and Post Oak. And , uh, the readings are all $20 for 15 minutes. There's free parking, free entrance, and we're, we're having a lot of , uh, a lot of new readers coming in this time. I've got somebody who actually does firm reading, which is very different that we have not had. And , uh, but we're also having a lot of people that who want to do crossing over, they wanna contact those on the other side. And, but , uh, but traditionally, you know, tarot and astrology, psychic readings, mediumship , uh, numerology, astrology. So we're, we're having all of that, plus the new vendors that have , uh, a lot of really cool crystals and pendulums, jewelry, lotions, potions , uh, essential oils. So a lot of that is going on. And also alternative , you know, healing work, energy work.

Speaker 2:

Okay . Are you still doing your personal readings?

Speaker 3:

Yes, I am. How I do them mostly all by phone or by Zoom.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And , uh, at 7 1 3 4 4 4 3 5 8, 1.

Speaker 2:

Great. Thank you so much. Uh , second Marva , we appreciate it and we're gonna look into , uh, uh, to kind of , uh, do like we did last year. We, we kinda listened back to the show after everything happened and , uh, like you said, spot on, Uhhuh , you know, it's good stuff. Oh , super Good stuff. So thank you very much. Appreciate it.

Speaker 3:

Okay. You are welcome. This has been the

Speaker 1:

Jimbo Podcast. Tune in again next week for another new show. Okay. Bye .